In an age where almost every­thing is done online we under­stand why clients might be tempt­ed to use an out of town solic­i­tor or even an online ser­vice, but the truth of the mat­ter is that it’s a lot less stress­ful to use a local solic­i­tor. Big mul­ti-nation­al brands or online Solic­i­tors often sub­sti­tute qual­i­ty of ser­vice for quan­ti­ty of clients, leav­ing you feel­ing like a face­less name on a long list of cas­es. Using a local solic­i­tor comes with a wealth of ben­e­fits that you can­not get any­where else such as…


Whilst it’s undoubt­ed­ly more effi­cient to com­mu­ni­cate via email or phone, there will like­ly be a time when you will have to vis­it your solic­i­tor in per­son; per­haps to sign or hand over doc­u­ments. By using a local solic­i­tor, you can be sure you’re not trav­el­ling miles out of town for the small­est meet­ing or trans­ac­tion. In addi­tion, a local solic­i­tor gives you the option to drop in on your own terms if you have any ques­tions or concerns.

A face-to-face ser­vice also offers a lev­el of per­son­al­i­sa­tion that a remote, or online, ser­vice sim­ply can­not. Being able to meet in per­son ensures you are treat­ed like a val­ued cus­tomer as opposed to a voice down the oth­er end of the tele­phone. This allows you to build a rap­port with your solic­i­tor and makes for an over­all less stress­ful, more enjoy­able experience.

Local Knowl­edge

A local solic­i­tor is like­ly to have a much more inti­mate knowl­edge of the local area which is ide­al of those in need of con­veyanc­ing ser­vices. Famil­iar­i­ty with prop­er­ties, real estate agents, and types of fraud par­tic­u­lar to the area are imper­a­tive for a per­son­alised ser­vice. A local solic­i­tor will be able to advise on local author­i­ties, lenders, and any oth­er third par­ties that may play a role in your legal experience 


Local Solic­i­tors tend to offer much more val­ue for mon­ey than nation­al­ly oper­at­ing Solic­i­tors. It’s a lot more like­ly that you’ll encounter unfore­seen expens­es by using an out of town or online solic­i­tor since a lack of local knowl­edge could eas­i­ly result in addi­tion­al costs from using unnec­es­sar­i­ly expen­sive third-par­ty ser­vices. These can come as a nasty sur­prised tacked on to a bill you didn’t know you had to bud­get for.

In con­trast, local Solic­i­tors will nat­u­ral­ly have a much more detailed knowl­edge of the area and will be able to give you an idea of costs up front. When you use a local solic­i­tor, you can be sure that the price quot­ed is correct.

Based in Wilm­slow, Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass pro­vide ser­vices across both the wider Cheshire and Man­ches­ter areas. We offer the kind of unpar­al­leled local knowl­edge that could only come with a rich 100-year lega­cy such as ours. Are you in need of legal assis­tance or advice and want to use a local solic­i­tor you can trust? Con­tact us today.