There are cir­cum­stances where it is ben­e­fi­cial to trans­fer the legal own­er­ship of a prop­er­ty with­out sell­ing it. This can be done through a Trans­fer of Equity.

What is involved in a Trans­fer of Equity?

The process involved in a Trans­fer of Equi­ty depends on the par­tic­u­lar cir­cum­stances, but usu­al­ly involves the legal advi­sor deter­min­ing the cur­rent own­ers and any mort­gages reg­is­tered against the prop­er­ty. To do this, the legal advi­sor will obtain an up to date title reg­is­ter from the Land Registry.

Is there a mortgage?

If there is a mort­gage reg­is­tered against the prop­er­ty then the con­sent of the mort­gage lender will first­ly need to be obtained. If there is no mort­gage, or any oth­er charges reg­is­tered against the prop­er­ty, then a Trans­fer deed can be draft­ed by the legal advi­sor which will show the descrip­tion of the prop­er­ty and who the prop­er­ty is being trans­ferred from and to. All par­ties involved will need to sign the Trans­fer deed.

Is there an exchange of money?

If the prop­er­ty is being trans­ferred with no mon­ey involved, the Trans­fer deed can be sent to the Land Reg­istry to be reg­is­tered. A fee is payable to the Land Reg­istry to reg­is­ter the trans­fer, which is depen­dent on the val­ue of the property.

If there is any mon­ey involved in the trans­fer, the monies will need to be sent and received before the Trans­fer deed is reg­is­tered at Land Reg­istry, and Stamp Duty Land Tax may be payable.

Reg­is­tra­tion of the Transfer

Once the trans­fer is reg­is­tered at the Land Reg­istry the Title Infor­ma­tion Doc­u­ment is sent to the act­ing Solic­i­tors. The legal advi­sor will then check the details of this and send a copy to the peo­ple to whom the prop­er­ty has been trans­ferred, for them to retain.

A Trans­fer of Equi­ty can be done along­side oth­er appli­ca­tions that may be nec­es­sary, such as an appli­ca­tion to Land Reg­istry for first reg­is­tra­tion of a property.

To dis­cuss a Trans­fer of Equi­ty, please get in touch with Alexan­dra Hirst on 01625 523988 or mail@​JBGass.​com