A five year Will Week’ part­ner­ship between The Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary Wilm­slow and a local firm of Solic­i­tors has raised over £4,500 towards the care of ani­mals that have fall­en on hard times. 

Dur­ing Will Week, which takes place in Octo­ber each year, staff from Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass waive their usu­al fees for writ­ing a will in return for a dona­tion to The Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary. Since 2014 the firm has also sup­port­ed the char­i­ty through char­i­ta­ble dona­tions from unclaimed bal­ances, assist­ing with legal advice and spon­sor­ing its annu­al fundrais­ing calendar.

Nico­la Fos­ter from the Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary said: The Cor­po­rate Angel part­ner­ship we have with the team at Jack­son, Bar­rett & Gass is real­ly spe­cial. We are so for­tu­nate that they have con­tin­ued to sup­port us with dona­tions from Will Week — the monies raised real­ly do make a dif­fer­ence to the care we are able to pro­vide to the 200 or so ani­mals we take in each year.” 

The part­ner­ship between Jack­son, Bar­rett & Gass and The Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary goes beyond just dona­tions of funds and staff vol­un­teer­ing their time and skills. The Solic­i­tors have stepped in to help with a stamp col­lec­tion and sup­port­ed the char­i­ty by send­ing out its donor Christ­mas newslet­ter when the charity’s frank­ing machine broke down at its busiest fundrais­ing time of year. 

Rick Bar­row, Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor at Jack­son, Bar­ret & Gass com­ment­ed: It’s real­ly impor­tant for us to be able to give back to the com­mu­ni­ty in which we live and work and many of us have been touched by the kind­ness and good work that The Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary per­forms. It real­ly has become our pet’ char­i­ty and sev­er­al staff mem­bers have adopt­ed ani­mals themselves.” 
