A local, mul­ti-award-win­ning den­tal prac­tice is cel­e­brat­ing after exchang­ing con­tracts on new premis­es in the cen­tre of Cheadle.

Shi Karim, Clin­i­cal Direc­tor at Chea­dle Hulme Den­tal in Chea­dle Hulme, has moved his surgery to Sta­tion Road, Chea­dle hav­ing under­tak­en a com­plete state-of-the-art ren­o­va­tion on the for­mer NatWest bank build­ing under­goes a complete.

Keen to keep things local and sup­port the north west econ­o­my, the prac­tice enlist­ed the ser­vices of Wilm­slow-based solic­i­tors, JBGass, for both the sale and pur­chase of the surgeries.

Cheadle hulme dental exterior 69996 1658839714
The new premises of Cheadle-based dental practice

The new premis­es offers over 2800 square feet of space in which to offer the lat­est tech­no­log­i­cal­ly advanced treat­ments in gen­er­al and cos­met­ic den­tistry. The prac­tice will meet the needs of grow­ing patient demand and com­pris­es of six surg­eries, four con­sul­ta­tion rooms, ded­i­cat­ed den­tal scan­ning room, post treat­ment relax­ation room and spa­cious wait­ing area.

Speak­ing about the new surgery Shi says: Our orig­i­nal surgery had been on Church Street since 1978. Over the years, demand for treat­ments and our increas­ing rep­u­ta­tion had meant we had sig­nif­i­cant­ly out­grown the build­ing. Covid restric­tions have also made us realise we want to pro­vide more space for our patients.

Cheadle Hulme dental practice expands to new premises in former bank scaled

Our thanks go to the team at JBGass for their sup­port on the sale and pur­chase, they’ve been real­ly helpful.”

Shi, who has been a den­tist for 18 years, adds: Mak­ing sure that our den­tal prac­tice is con­stant­ly thriv­ing for the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dards of den­tistry and patient com­fort is our top pri­or­i­ty. The new prac­tice will afford the space and resources to enable patients to be seen more quick­ly whilst enjoy­ing a more lux­u­ri­ous experience

We will be employ­ing more spe­cial­ists mean­ing that patients don’t have to be referred, and addi­tion­al den­tists with­in the prac­tice offer­ing dif­fer­ent specialties.”

The prac­tice can be con­tact­ed on 0161 486 074 or you can vis­it https://​www​.cheadle​hul​me​den​tal​.com/.
