Nico­la Lloyd, Senior Asso­ciate at Wilm­slow based Solic­i­tors, JBGass, was delight­ed to com­plete the Great Man­ches­ter Run half marathon, rais­ing £645 for St Ann’s Hos­pice in Heald Green.

Five years ago, Nicola’s aunt sad­ly passed away with can­cer, the team at St Ann’s played a vital role in her last few weeks of life. Nico­la was moti­vat­ed to com­plete her chal­lenge in sup­port of the impor­tant work the hos­pice does for can­cer patients. 

Senior Associate with JBGass, Nicola Loyd after completing the Great Manchester Run
Senior Associate with JBGass, Nicola Loyd after completing the Great Manchester Run

St Ann’s Hos­pice is a spe­cial­ist organ­i­sa­tion that caters to the unique phys­i­cal, emo­tion­al and social needs of those with a life-lim­it­ing ill­ness­es, also pro­vid­ing sup­port for fam­i­ly and friends in those dif­fi­cult times.

After com­plet­ing the half marathon in 2:16:23 Nico­la was amazed to see she had bro­ken her fundrais­ing tar­get of £500. Nico­la is no stranger to com­pet­ing, back in 2016 she ran Great Man­ches­ter Run 10K find­ing it very tough. 

Nico­la com­ment­ed: In lock­down, I start­ed run­ning again and now every­thing is open­ing up I want­ed to con­tin­ue to keep fit and not slow down. I’ve always want­ed to do the Great Man­ches­ter Run and it was even bet­ter to com­pete for some­thing very close to my heart. 

Break­ing my fundrais­ing goal was an amaz­ing feel­ing and I’m over­whelmed with joy to con­tribute to the amaz­ing work St Ann’s does. Who knows maybe I will be com­pet­ing again soon.” 

Tak­ing it up a step, Nico­la has entered the bal­lot for the Lon­don Marathon. Although there’s no guar­an­tee for a spot she’s train­ing hard and is keen to run the race in sup­port of St Ann’s Hospice. 

You can donate to Nico­la’s fundrais­er via her Just Giv­ing Page.

Press Con­tact: Har­ry Heath­cote, Calvin Mar­ket­ing, 01477 571888, harry@​calvinm.​co.​uk