Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass are proud to announce their sup­port of the first ever East Cheshire Hos­pice Will Week. Between 19th-23rd April, Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass will offer their time with­out charg­ing their fee to write stan­dard Wills. Any­one hav­ing their Will writ­ten dur­ing this week will be giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty by the solic­i­tor to make a dona­tion to the hospice.

As a reg­is­tered char­i­ty, all their ser­vices are com­plete­ly free. How­ev­er, the Hos­pice receives less than 23% of its costs from gov­ern­ment and so has to fundraise near­ly £6,000 every sin­gle day of the year sim­ply to main­tain the cur­rent pro­vi­sion. Gifts from Wills (lega­cies) pro­vide around 20% of the hos­pice’s run­ning costs.

Research has sug­gest­ed that 7 out of 10 peo­ple do not have a will. In their most basic form Wills are rec­om­mend­ed so that you can choose how your prop­er­ty whether it be a house, cash or pos­ses­sions is dis­trib­uted upon death.

If you die with­out a Will (“intEs­tate”), the law will dic­tate who amongst your rel­a­tives receives what, which may mean rel­a­tives you do not like or have not seen for years.
There is a com­mon mis­ap­pre­hen­sion that a will is not essen­tial for hus­band and wife as a sur­viv­ing Spouse will receive the whole of the deceased’s Spouse’s Estate, but this is incor­rect. The sur­viv­ing Spouse will in cer­tain cir­cum­stances only receive very lim­it­ed ben­e­fits and unmar­ried part­ners do not cur­rent­ly even ben­e­fit in this way.

Sean Bar­row of Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass said When the hos­pice asked if we would like to get involved and sup­port this ini­tia­tive by writ­ing some Wills free of charge, we thought it was a great idea. The hos­pice is such a wor­thy and essen­tial part of our com­mu­ni­ty and hav­ing an up-to-date Will is impor­tant for every­one so we hope as many peo­ple take part.”

The hos­pice’s Major Rela­tion­ships Man­ag­er, Fiona Reed said This is a great way to get some­thing real­ly impor­tant done. We are very grate­ful to all the Solic­i­tors who are pro­vid­ing their ser­vices free of their charges. Many peo­ple put off hav­ing a Will writ­ten time and again. I real­ly hope this spe­cial week moti­vates any­one who does­n’t have an up-to-date Will to take part.”
