New Homes Legal Helpline, Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass Solic­i­tors new build divi­sion, has been appoint­ed as a South West Homes Pan­el Solic­i­tor fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful ten­der appli­ca­tion in December. 

New Homes Legal Helpline pro­vides spe­cial­ist Con­veyanc­ing and prop­er­ty ser­vices, and was estab­lished with the sole inten­tion of pro­vid­ing a ded­i­cat­ed ser­vice to clients pur­chas­ing new build properties.

South West Homes is a not for prof­it’ organ­i­sa­tion pro­vid­ing the oppor­tu­ni­ty for peo­ple to achieve the dream of buy­ing their home. They are the first point of con­tact for any­one who can­not afford to buy a home on the open mar­ket and offer a range of afford­able options.

South West Homes have been appoint­ed this role by the Homes and Com­mu­ni­ties Agency, the gov­ern­ment body that funds afford­able new homes, as one of its 15 Home­buy Agents. South West Homes is the Home­Buy Agent for South West England.

Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er, Rick Bar­row said, We are very pleased with the appoint­ment to the South West Homes Legal Pan­el. This reflects not only our strong pres­ence in the South West, but also our exper­tise in deal­ing with the com­plex pur­chase options such as shared equi­ty and shared ownership.”

South West Homes Man­ag­er, Christi­na Minty said, We are delight­ed to accept New Homes Helpline on to their pan­el of rec­om­mend­ed Solicitors.

Only those Solic­i­tors with exten­sive expe­ri­ence of afford­able hous­ing prod­ucts, and help­ing first time buy­ers in the South West, were accepted.”
