Pyramid News


Wilm­slow Firm Advis­es on Stock­port Pyra­mid Deal

Prop­er­ty law spe­cial­ists Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass has advised their client Eamar Devel­op­ments on the pur­chase of the icon­ic Stock­port Pyra­mid from the Co-oper­a­tive Bank. 

The Pyra­mid is a land­mark Stock­port site, locat­ed next to junc­tion 1 of the M60, and has been home to the Co-oper­a­tive Bank since 1995 with 86,000 square feet of office space. 

Speak­ing about the deal, Rick Bar­row, Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor of Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass said, We are pleased to have act­ed on the pur­chase of this icon­ic site. Our client has been look­ing to make prop­er­ty pur­chas­es in the North West and are active­ly seek­ing new oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Stock­port area.” 

Eamar Devel­op­ments will short­ly com­mence a com­plete refur­bish­ment of the prop­er­ty which will then be let as prime office space. Speak­ing about this, Eamar Devel­op­ment Exec­u­tive Man­ag­er, Abd­u­al­lah Alnaeem said, This is cer­tain­ly a flag­ship Stock­port prop­er­ty and we are delight­ed to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to make a sig­nif­i­cant invest­ment in its refurbishment. 

Stock­port Coun­cil have out­lined their trans­for­ma­tion­al vision for the town which includes 1m square feet of mixed employ­ment space. The town cen­tre is under­go­ing a mas­sive regen­er­a­tion pro­gramme and it’s great to be part of it.” 

The build­ing has been pur­chased on a free­hold basis with Cush­man & Wake­field act­ing for the Co-oper­a­tive Bank. Col­liers Inter­na­tion­al also act­ed for Eamar Devel­op­ments from a busi­ness rates per­spec­tive. Col­liers Inter­na­tion­al and Impey are cur­rent­ly mar­ket­ing the refur­bished office space. 


Press con­tact: Diana Stephen­son, Calvin Mar­ket­ing, 01477 57188807976 244507