Wilm­slow Prop­er­ty Solic­i­tor Pro­tects Clients Against Cyber Attack

Wilm­slow based Solic­i­tors JBGass have demon­strat­ed to their clients that they take cyber secu­ri­ty seri­ous­ly by achiev­ing an offi­cial Cyber Essen­tials certification.

Last year the Nation­al Cyber Secu­ri­ty Cen­tre (NCSC) delved into the cyber threats per­sis­tent­ly bom­bard­ing the legal sec­tor. The report sug­gest­ed that through­out 201617, £11 mil­lion was poten­tial­ly lost to cyber crim­i­nals. JBGass has invest­ed in safe­guard­ing its employ­ees and clients against the poten­tial threat of hack­ing attempts. 

Cyber Essen­tials is an offi­cial UK wide, gov­ern­ment-backed cer­ti­fi­ca­tion that helps com­pa­nies guard against the most com­mon cyber threats and reduce risk by at least 80%. The Cyber Essen­tials scheme was devel­oped to show organ­i­sa­tions how to pro­tect them­selves against low-lev­el com­mod­i­ty threat.” Firms must demon­strate that they meet or exceed five basic con­trols with­in the scheme includ­ing: access con­trol; bound­ary fire­walls and Inter­net gate­ways; mal­ware pro­tec­tion; patch man­age­ment and secure configuration. 

Rick Bar­row from JBGass com­ments: We are increas­ing­ly aware of the con­cerns with­in the legal sec­tor of inter­net-based attacks to retrieve sen­si­tive infor­ma­tion. The vast major­i­ty of cyber-attacks use rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple meth­ods which exploit basic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties in soft­ware and com­put­er sys­tems. By achiev­ing this offi­cial gov­ern­ment backed accred­i­ta­tion we can assure our clients that we are keep­ing pace with the chang­ing nature of the cyber secu­ri­ty threat.” 


Press con­tact: Diana Stephen­son, Calvin Mar­ket­ing, 01477 57188807976 244507.