Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass Solic­i­tors are pleased to announce the 30th anniver­sary of prin­ci­pal solic­i­tor, Sean Bar­row, qual­i­fy­ing as a solicitor.

Sean qual­i­fied on the 1st Decem­ber 1978 fol­low­ing his law degree at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Man­ches­ter and pro­fes­sion­al Exams at Chester Law Col­lege. He then spent 2 years at Smith Fort Symonds in Poyn­ton, where he com­plet­ed his articles.

Sean then joined Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass in July 1979 under then prin­ci­pal, Peter Gass. After 2 years, Sean was pro­mot­ed to a part­ner at the firm, and after Peter Gass retired in 1987, Sean then became principal.

Sean said I would obvi­ous­ly like to thank Peter Gass for his sup­port. He obvi­ous­ly gave me the chance ear­ly in my career which is why I am here today. His rep­u­ta­tion is still very strong today, as we act for 2nd and 3rd gen­er­a­tion clients who orig­i­nal­ly used Mr Gass.

I would also obvi­ous­ly like to thank all our clients who have sup­port­ed us by using our ser­vices over the years, both local and national.”

Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass remained on Grove Street until 2003 where they had relo­cat­ed to in 1930. The firm expe­ri­enced the changes of Grove Street and Wilm­slow town cen­tre first hand. In 2003, the firm took the unprece­dent­ed step of mov­ing to Smithy Annexe on Adling­ton Road, which is next to the his­tor­i­cal Smithy.

Sean said After so many years on Grove Street, it was a tough deci­sion at the time, but we have cer­tain­ly ben­e­fit­ed from the move. The vast major­i­ty of clients pre­fer being able to park and pop into the office, and our elder­ly clients cer­tain­ly pre­fer the ground floor.”

The office move also formed part of their entry for this year’s Law Soci­ety Excel­lence Awards 2008 which saw the Wilm­slow firm short­list­ed for the LCS Excel­lence in Client Ser­vice award with six oth­er firms, 3 of which are International.


This arti­cle appeared in Wilm­slow Express 01/01/09:
