Wilm­slow-based Solic­i­tors JBGass, has donat­ed £520 to the Wilm­slow Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary. The funds have been used to pur­chase a brand new arc for Bel­la, a 110-kilo pig. 

JBGass has sup­port­ed the Sanc­tu­ary for eight years. Recog­nis­ing that they would be in need of sup­port fol­low­ing the pan­dem­ic, they got in touch to see how they could help. 

As con­veyanc­ing spe­cial­ists in Cheshire and South Man­ches­ter, work­ing to help peo­ple move house, they were delight­ed to hear that one of the Sanctuary’s res­i­dent pigs need­ed a new home. 

Bella the Pig - JBGass Solicitors
Bella in her new house

Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor at JBGass, Rick Bar­row, com­ment­ed, I did smile when I was told that a pig need­ed a new home – nice coin­ci­dence giv­en what we do as a busi­ness and we were delight­ed to step in and fund Bella’s new house.

The pan­dem­ic has impact­ed the Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary as well as all char­i­ties. Hav­ing sup­port­ed them in var­i­ous ways over many years it was impor­tant for us to do some­thing to show our grat­i­tude for the work they do.” 

Col­in Bar­ton, Chair of Trustees at the Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary said, The Ani­mal Sanc­tu­ary is extreme­ly grate­ful to JBGass for their sup­port of our char­i­ty. It is reward­ing to know that the work we do is acknowl­edged and appreciated 

Bel­la has now moved into her lux­u­ry arc and is already mak­ing friends with her new neigh­bour, Daisy the Donkey.”


To find out more about the ser­vices we pro­vide, get in touch with us. 

Press Con­tact: Har­ry Heath­cote, Calvin Mar­ket­ing, 01477 571888, harry@​calvinm.​co.​uk