Lex­cel is the Law Soci­ety’s inter­na­tion­al prac­tice man­age­ment stan­dard. Accred­i­ta­tion cer­ti­fies that cer­tain stan­dards have been met fol­low­ing inde­pen­dent assessment.

The key phras­es to pick out are cer­tain stan­dards’ & inde­pen­dent assessment’.

Cer­tain stan­dards’ actu­al­ly down­plays the wide­spread effect that Lex­cel has over a law firm. Every­thing from IT to client con­tact, HR to Mar­ket­ing, is checked and approved in line with the lat­est Law Soci­ety guide­lines (cur­rent­ly Ver­sion 5).

Inde­pen­dent Assess­ment’ actu­al­ly involves an inde­pen­dent asses­sor vis­it­ing our office on annu­al basis to check not only are we say­ing the cor­rect things, but also to check indi­vid­ual files & evi­dence of our imple­ment­ed standards. 

There­fore, I think it’s fair to jus­ti­fy the Law Society’s state­ment that the Lex­cel prac­tice man­age­ment stan­dard is only award­ed to Solic­i­tors who meet the high­est man­age­ment and cus­tomer care standards.’ 

Lex­cel cov­ers all our work types such as Res­i­den­tial Con­veyanc­ing & Last­ing Pow­ers of Attor­ney (LPAs), & ensures we offer excel­lent client ser­vice, with min­i­mum risks & the opti­mum cost effi­cien­cy. In plain Eng­lish, low risk & increased effi­cien­cy are ben­e­fi­cial to both clients & the firm. 

Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass are proud to have been accred­it­ed with Lex­cel since April 2010 & the Con­veyanc­ing Qual­i­ty Scheme (CQS) since August 2011. In the same way we were the first firm in Cheshire to win a Law Soci­ety Excel­lence Award, we were the first firm in Wilm­slow to achieve both accreditations.

Final­ly, the cor­ner­stone to Lex­cel is con­tin­u­al improve­ment. Those of you who have used us in the past, will remem­ber our feed­back form. Results are aver­aged and com­pared to pre­vi­ous annu­al results, along with sug­ges­tions to our ser­vice delivery.

In the words of Ron Bur­gundy, Lex­cel is kind of a big deal’. 

To dis­cuss Lex­cel or any of the ser­vices we offer, please get in touch with Rick Bar­row on 01625 523988 or mail@​JBGass.​com