Stock­port Rug­by Club will host their first Will Week com­menc­ing 23rd April. A free sem­i­nar will also tak­ing place at the club at 7pm Tues­day 24th April, to explain the role of Wills and the impor­tance of life­time Plan­ning as a whole.

At the same time as edu­cat­ing mem­bers about the impor­tance of Wills as part of their life­time plan­ning, the Will Week should raise rev­enue for the club.

For peo­ple that reg­is­ter an inter­est dur­ing the week com­menc­ing 23rd April, 10% of their bill will be donat­ed back to the club. That amounts to £9 for a sin­gle Will, and £17.50 for a pair.

Stock­port Rug­by Club 2XV spon­sors, Jack­son Bar­rett & Gass Solic­i­tors, will organ­ise the Will Week and pro­vide the asso­ci­at­ed services.

A Will or Tes­ta­ment is a legal dec­la­ra­tion by which a per­son, the Tes­ta­tor, names one or more per­sons to man­age his/​her Estate and pro­vides for the trans­fer of his/​her prop­er­ty at death.

If you die with­out a Will (“IntEs­tate”), then the law will dic­tate who amongst your rel­a­tives receives what, which may mean rel­a­tives you do not like or have not seen for years.

Sean Bar­row, a local solic­i­tor for 33 years, says The Will Week pro­vides a dou­bled edged sword in allow­ing peo­ple to learn about the impor­tance of Wills, as well as rais­ing fur­ther rev­enue for the Rug­by Club which is an impor­tant and pop­u­lar com­mu­ni­ty venue.”

Stock­port RUFC Pres­i­dent, Julie Fuller, says Stock­port Rug­by Club are delight­ed to wel­come our 2nd team spon­sors Jack­son Bar­rat and Gass to host a Will week it will cer­tain­ly be an infor­ma­tive week for all, as well as help­ing to raise much need­ed funds for the rug­by club. I look for­ward to wel­com­ing our local com­mu­ni­ty neigh­bours and friends to this worth­while service.”


For more infor­ma­tion about SRUFC Will Week, please con­tact Rick Bar­row on 01625 523988 or mail@​JBGass.​com