I imag­ine some of you were pos­si­bly expect­ing details of a tech­no­log­i­cal advance­ment in the legal sec­tor but I will save that for anoth­er day. Instead, I am going to make an unlike­ly comparison.

In case you didn’t know, a Will is a legal dec­la­ra­tion by which a per­son names one or more per­sons to man­age their Estate and pro­vides for the trans­fer of his/​her prop­er­ty at death.

So how can a his­toric legal doc­u­ment be sim­i­lar to the World Wide Web?

I was recent­ly dis­cussing our forth­com­ing new web­site with my friends at webd­na & we agreed that a web­site is nev­er the fin­ished arti­cle. Tech­nol­o­gy is con­stant­ly evolv­ing but more so is human inter­ac­tion with tech­nol­o­gy. If you think back 10 years, very few of us would have been order­ing shop­ping using our mobiles. Today, an e‑commerce web­site would strug­gle to com­pete with­out a care­ful­ly con­sid­ered mul­ti-device strategy.

As for Wills, tech­ni­cal­ly speak­ing, they are final once they have been signed & wit­nessed cor­rect­ly. How­ev­er, if you were to make a Will aged 30 & rely on this for your life­time, it prob­a­bly wouldn’t be rel­e­vant to lat­er life. In the same way that web­sites need to adapt & change, so do Wills. Mar­riage, divorce, births, deaths, prop­er­ty & char­i­ty are all things that can change in your life & there­fore affect a Will.

If you haven’t got a Will, my advice is to act now whilst you are think­ing about it. It’s very easy to do & can be done remote­ly if need­ed. Like­wise, if you have a Will, when was the last time you con­sid­ered its rel­e­vance to your cur­rent sit­u­a­tion? It doesn’t take much to alter but can make the world of difference.

To arrange a dis­cus­sion about a Will, please get in touch with Nico­la Lloyd on 01625 523988 or mail@​JBGass.​com