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All you need to know about Lasting Powers of Attorney

It is better to be safe than sorry

All you need to know about Lasting Powers of Attorney

None of us like to think about los­ing the abil­i­ty to man­age own affairs and to make deci­sions about mon­ey and wel­fare. How­ev­er, an esti­mat­ed 700,000 have demen­tia, includ­ing one in five over 80. Brain injuries or men­tal health prob­lems ren­der oth­ers inca­pable of mak­ing their own deci­sions. It is there­fore impor­tant to put arrange­ments in place ear­ly, so that some­one we trust can make those impor­tant deci­sions on our behalf.

You now do that through a Pow­er of Attor­ney. Changes to the law relat­ing to the pow­ers of attor­ney took place on 1st Octo­ber 2007. Endur­ing Pow­ers of Attor­ney (EPAs) were intro­duced in 1987, and were replaced by Last­ing Pow­ers of Attor­ney (LPAs), intro­duced under the Men­tal Capac­i­ty Act 2005.

JBGass are expe­ri­enced in han­dling LPAs from start to fin­ish in an effi­cient and friend­ly mat­ter. We are used to deal­ing with clients through fam­i­ly mem­bers where need­ed and our ser­vice has been used remote­ly also.

View our LPA prices

Guide to Making a Lasting Powers of Attorney

Guide to Lasting Powers of Attorney

Guide to Making a Will

Guide to Making a Will

Last­ing Pow­ers of Attor­ney Solicitors

Natalie Rogerson

Natalie Rogerson

  • Managing Director, Solicitor & Director

Natalie joined JBGass in April 2016 from another high street practice in Altrincham. After a successful 3 years with us, she became a Director in October 2019.

Natalie has gained extensive experience across two areas of law having practised a mixed caseload since qualifying. Natalie is proficient across the residential property spectrum and also has extensive experience within Wills & Probate, which allows Natalie to deal with linked property work.

She was grant­ed STEP des­ig­na­tion in August 2021 and ensures that the depart­ment works to the outlined standards.

Outside of work, Natalie enjoys socialising with friends and spending time with family.

Get in touch today

To arrange a dis­cus­sion with our Last­ing Pow­ers of Attor­ney Solicitors.

They can also be con­tact­ed by tele­phone — 01625 523988

Trust­ed & Accredited

Proud mem­bers of pro­fes­sion­al, accred­it­ed societies