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Chester Residential Conveyancers

Chester Residential Conveyancers

It’s some­how appro­pri­ate for Ces­tri­ans to appre­ci­ate that, in Roman times, pri­vate rights to land were already enforce­able (even if secret).

Mod­ern prac­tice no longer allows for such secrecy.

This means that for Res­i­den­tial Con­veyanc­ing in Chester, it’s vital to con­sult the estab­lished lead­ers in this field.

For over 80 years, Wilm­slow-based JBGass have been help­ing folk like you through the three key stages of this process: before con­tract, and before and after com­ple­tion. They will also guide you through the two major moments in this process.

These are:

  • The exchange of con­tracts (where­by equi­table title pass­es) and then — com­ple­tion (where­by legal title passes).
  • As Law Soci­ety accred­it­ed Res­i­den­tial Con­veyancers (and also short­list­ed for their Excel­lence in Con­veyanc­ing Prac­tice Awards), we ensure your peace-of-mind by meet­ing the legal require­ment of obtain­ing a good and mar­ketable title to the land. That’s the legal part tak­en care of.
  • Our main empha­sis is about pro­vid­ing an unmatched pro­fes­sion­al, yet equal­ly friend­ly and per­son­al ser­vice through­out Chester and the local area. You’ll always be able to con­sult with your indi­vid­ual, ful­ly-qual­i­fied, act­ing fee earn­er by phone or email.

There’s even free park­ing avail­able beside our office for those per­son­al visits. 

Choose JBGass – the long-estab­lished local experts – to pro­vide the pro­fes­sion­al Res­i­den­tial Con­veyanc­ing ser­vices you require.

Con­tact Us