Jackson Barrett & Gass are proud to announce their support for East Cheshire Hospice by raising £1736.25.
Jackson Barrett & Gass supported the charity through the third annual East Cheshire Hospice Will Week which raised £625.00. The Wilmslow Solicitors offered their time without charging their fee to write standard Wills. Anyone having their Will written during this week were given the opportunity to make a donation to the Hospice.
At the end of the week, Marketing Manager Rick Barrow, then took part in the Bupa Great Manchester 10k run to raise further money for the Hospice and raised £1111.50.
East Cheshire Hospice cares for adults suffering from life-limiting illnesses from which there is no cure. They care for the whole person, aiming to meet all needs, whether they are medical, emotional or spiritual or around the challenges of daily-living, whilst supporting families and carers throughout what is often a difficult period.
As a registered charity, all their services are completely free. However, the Hospice receives less than 23% of its costs from government and so has to fundraise nearly £6,000 every single day of the year simply to maintain the current provision. Gifts from Wills (legacies) provide around 20% of the Hospice’s running costs.
Rick Barrow of Jackson Barrett & Gass said “When the Hospice originally asked if we would like to get involved and support this initiative by writing some Wills free of charge, we thought it was a great idea.
Now in its third year, we have seen the positive impact it has had in raising awareness about the Hospice, and the importance of Wills as well as some much needed funds.
I also personally wanted to show support for the Hospice after hearing of their support for a longstanding client of ours.”
The Hospice’s Major Relationships Manager, Fiona Beasley said: “Many people put off writing a Will again and again. We hope that the support of local Solicitors like Jackson Barrett & Gass waiving their fee to do this work so that the Hospice benefits will encourage many people to put their affairs in order and have a valid Will drawn up.”
Auhtor: Rick Barrow
To arrange a discussion with our Wills Solicitor Sean Barrow, please get in touch with us on 01625 523988 or mail@JBGass.com.