Dis­burse­ments are fees that we pay on your behalf whilst car­ry­ing out work for you.

Most dis­burse­ments are com­pul­so­ry because they are need­ed to car­ry out the ser­vice we are pro­vid­ing. For exam­ple, dur­ing the reg­is­tra­tion of a Last­ing Pow­er of Attor­ney, we will need to pay fees to the Office of the Pub­lic Guardian to for­mal­ly reg­is­ter it.

Some dis­burse­ments are option­al, for exam­ple if you are buy­ing a res­i­den­tial prop­er­ty in close prox­im­i­ty to a par­cel of land, you may wish to under­take a Plansearch to check that there is no cur­rent or impend­ing plan­ning per­mis­sion on that land.

Dis­burse­ments are also entire­ly sep­a­rate to fees because they con­tain no prof­it ele­ment to them. This means that you are pay­ing the cost which we have paid on your behalf. If you instruct us to car­ry out a ser­vice, you will receive a client care let­ter at the out­set which clear­ly defines the expect­ed fees & disbursements.

It’s also impor­tant to note that we take clients costs very seri­ous­ly. We are con­stant­ly mon­i­tor­ing dis­burse­ment costs, to see if we can reduce them though greater use of tech­nol­o­gy or new providers. For exam­ple, we are now using the Land Reg­istry Por­tal which allows some prop­er­ties to be elec­tron­i­cal­ly reg­is­tered. If we are able to do so, the sav­ing is a 50% reduc­tion in the Land Reg­istry fee.

If you need a ser­vice pro­vid­ing now, or are mere­ly think­ing about it, get in touch & we will be able to pro­vide no oblig­a­tion quote. Like­wise, if you require a legal ser­vice we don’t pro­vide, please still con­tact us & we will put you in touch with one of our rec­om­mend­ed part­ner firms.

To dis­cuss any of the ser­vices we offer, please get in touch with Rick Bar­row on 01625 523988 or mail@​JBGass.​com